New project looks at how Extra Care Housing can help people to live well with dementia

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The Supporting People Living with Dementia in Extra Care Housing (DemECH) project (opens new window) is an 18-month study funded by the NIHR School for Social Care Research and led by the University of Worcester which uses a mixed methods approach to explore how Extra Care Housing can help people to live well with dementia.

The Housing LIN is delighted to be a partner on the project, investigating the advantages and disadvantages of three different models:

  • a separate area or unit for people living with dementia
  • an integrated approach by supporting people living with dementia alongside residents without dementia; and
  • schemes that are exclusive for people living with dementia.

The study findings will be shared in a Key Insight Booklet to guide future Extra Care Housing development alongside video and audio diaries sharing direct experience of people living with dementia and their experience of Extra Care Housing. These will be targeted at commissioners, health and social care practitioners, older people, people living with dementia, and their families.