New blog explores the intersection between healthy communities and intergenerational housing


Written by Charlotte Miller, Co-Founder of Intergenerational England, this Housing LIN guest blog discusses the advocacy for intergenerational housing to be firmly in the mix of any government strategy.

While addressing how many of the social and economic challenges associated with housing our rapidly expanding ageing population, Charlotte outlines the work they have been doing to improve the mental and physical wellbeing of the old and the young in communities across the UK through embedding a culture of thinking intergenerationally.  

You may also be interested in this Talking Generations podcast that aims to bring together people from across generations and sectors to share their stories and experiences. By highlighting the voices of people from different walks of life, the podcast bridges the gap between generations and creates a more inclusive and connected society.

In this episode, titled Community Housing for Cohesive Communities (opens new window)Sarah Mitton provides an insight on the national community housing development ran by Clarion Group and how these initiatives serve local communities.