New Housing LIN case study highlights an innovative housing scheme in Oxfordshire

Cover Case Study 151 Oxfordshire

Building the Right Homes for Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autism in Oxfordshire is the Housing LIN's newest case study.

Written by Sue Ryde and Julia Godwin (both formerly of Oxfordshire County Council) and Kim Swallowe (Cherwell District Council) examines the planning, commissioning, and design of a new housing scheme for adults with learning disabilities and autism.

The case study also includes reflections on the process of building the homes, and lessons learned for future planning, and will be of interest to anybody involved with commissioning and delivering housing and services for adults with learning disabilities and autism.

Jeremy Porteus, the Housing LIN's CEO, says:

"This case study demonstrates the art of the possible in delivering new housing choices for people with autism".

You can find more Housing LIN resources about housing for people with learning disabilities by following the link below.