Members of the Learning Disability and Autism Housing Network launch new research on supported housing

New research by the Housing LIN for the Learning Disability and Autism Housing Network and jointly published with them provides the most up to date information on the size, scope, cost, supply and importantly future need of supported housing in England for individuals with a learning disability and autistic people.
Through the analysis of existing evidence and by undertaking primary research, the research shows that there are between 35,500 – 37,500 people with learning disabilities and autistic people living in supported housing. This report also provides recommendations under strategic planning, housing and support funding, capital funding, and oversight and regulation.
Attending the launch at the House of Commons, Ian Copeman, Business Director at Housing LIN, said:
“We are delighted to have worked with the LDAHN to undertake this research into the scale, scope and cost of supported housing for people with learning disabilities and autistic people. We regularly work with local authorities, NHS organisations and housing providers to widen the housing options available to people with learning disabilities and autistic people. We look forward to the work of the LDAHN and their partners leading to more people having their own home.”