Looking to appoint a Board Dementia Champion? The DHWG provides an outline specification

The Dementia and Housing Working Group (DHWG) brings together a wide range of stakeholders to focus specifically on housing and dementia with a view to promoting the role of the housing sector in enabling people with dementia to live independently in a suitable home environment in accordance with their needs and aspirations.
This paper by the DHWG provides an outline specification for providers in the private and social housing sectors to take forward Recommendation 35 of the All Party Parliamentary Group’s Inquiry report: ‘Housing for People with Dementia–Are We Ready?’; namely to:
“Appoint dementia ‘champions’ at executive / senior management / board level, in general needs social and specialist housing bodies, to demonstrate organisational commitment and ensure effective leadership at the highest level.”
People recruited as Board Champions do not need to be experts in dementia. Rather, they will have a basic understanding about the condition and its impact on people with a diagnosis, their families and friends along with a determination to help the Board fulfil its obligations and improve services for their prospective and current residents who are living with dementia.
Download the Board Dementia Champion Outline Specification, here.