Lack of digital social care means people and practitioners are missing out, says Commission

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Not enough local authorities or care providers are using available technology within social care to keep people safe, happy and healthy at home, according to the final report of an ADASS/TSA Commission exploring the issue. Launched at the 2021 ITEC conference, the Commission found pockets of best practice but concluded that projects are rarely joined up and turned into intelligence to prevent people reaching a crisis. It is calling on Government to fund a two-year programme of 10 social care innovation projects to begin the process of normalising the use of digital within social care.

Over the past five months, Commission Members have heard evidence from nearly 60 people including individuals and their relatives who access social care support, front line care professionals, directors of adult social care, housing and health leaders and technology suppliers.

The Housing LIN was delighted to be on the Commission and to give evidence. The Commission sets out 4 overarching themes and associated recommendations, including urging Government to urgently invest £450m to replace current care and housing technology infrastructure, much of which is outdated and reliant on analogue phone lines.