Housing LIN to develop new demand modelling tool for housing for an ageing population

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The Housing LIN is pleased to announce that through a partnership with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), we are developing a new, comprehensive demand modelling tool for housing suited to an ageing population.

This will provide an assessment of demand for the full range of housing options including mainstream housing better suited to the needs of older persons, demand for adapted homes in later life, as well as demand for specialised types of housing.

One aim of the new modelling tool is to provide local authorities and their partners in the UK with robust and reliable evidence of demand which they can use in relation to housing and social care commissioning and delivery plans as well as their Local Plans.

Ian Copeman, Business Director at the Housing LIN said:

“The Housing LIN’s new demand model for housing suited to an ageing population is unique because it is based on extensive and detailed primary research with older persons, rather than relying on use of secondary data. To provide this evidence of older people’s housing preferences in the UK, the Housing LIN has commissioned Ipsos to conduct primary research with a representative sample of the UK’s 55+ population”.

We anticipate publishing the results from this exciting research later in the Spring.

For further information, contact research@housinglin.org.uk.