Housing LIN is proud to join Intergenerational Housing Steering Group

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Intergenerational England (opens new window) has initiated the creation of an Intergenerational Housing Steering Group (IHSG), joining forces with leading housing organisations Clarion, Clarion Futures, HACT, HousingLIN and Sovereign Network Group (SNG).

Recognising the growing importance of intergenerational initiatives across the housing sector, the collaboration aims to spearhead a transformative strategy for widespread acknowledgment and measurement of the tangible impact and benefits. 

Whilst there is growing recognition of social value in intergenerational projects, there is still no standardised industry-wide technique for measuring the impacts. The newly formed steering group aims to fill this gap by developing an innovative action plan and a user-friendly toolkit.

The overall aim of the IHSG is to elevate the status of intergenerational activities within the housing sector, generating increased cross-sector awareness and value. 

Lois Beech, Consultancy and Partnerships Manager, Housing LIN said: 

“From nurseries located in older people’s housing to home-sharing or co-living arrangements across generations, we know that intergenerational activities within the housing sector can offer opportunities for social interaction and support, however the benefits aren’t always evidenced. The Housing LIN is thrilled to be part of this Steering Group and we look forward to bringing our knowledge and expertise to bridge the gap in measuring and demonstrating the impactful outcomes of intergenerational initiatives within the housing sector.”