HoME coalition response to DLUHC’s inquiry into disabled people in the housing sector

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The HoME coalition, a group of nine charities and non-governmental organisation working together to make the case for more accessible and inclusive housing, has responded to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee’s inquiry into disabled people in the housing sector (opens new window).

The inquiry looked to examine the role of the government, local councils and developers in ensuring the delivery of suitable housing for disabled people and what the government can do to support disabled people in the private rented sector in England.

The inquiry also looked at the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and its compatibility with the Equality Act 2010 when building housing.

The HoME coalition answered the following questions in response to the inquiry:

  • What can the government do to ensure disabled residents across England have access to accessible and adaptable housing?
  • Does the National Planning Policy Framework ensure the Equality Act 2010 is complied with when building housing?
  • Since the government consultation ‘Raising accessibility standards for new homes (opens new window)’, what has been done to improve housing provisions for disabled residents in England? And has it been sufficient?
  • What role should the government, local authorities and developers have for ensuring the delivery of suitable housing for disabled people?