HLINks Weekly: 29 April 2024

Happy Monday!

At Housing LIN, we believe that intergenerational housing can offer opportunities for social connection, a support system, cost-effective living, community building and so much more. 

That's why we are proud to support this year's Global Intergenerational Week from 24th to 30th April! This annual worldwide campaign, hosted by Generations Working Together, encourages everyone to embrace intergenerational practice and relationships.

Join us this afternoon at 4pm for a HAPPI Hour webinar on Why Intergenerational Connection Matters, exploring how InCommon's Empower Programme has helped housing associations across the UK to deliver impactful intergenerational activities. 

You'll also gain insights into the effectiveness of the online platform as a tool to enable intergenerational activity, as well as the social impact of InCommon’s intergenerational activity.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope you find this week's HLINks newsletter both informative and engaging. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the weeks to come!

Best wishes,

The Housing LIN Team

Tunstall LogoThe Housing LIN would like to thank Tunstall Healthcare (opens new window) for its sponsorship of our news pages. This, along with this newsletter, enables us to bring the latest news and information on housing with care and technology matters to our members.