Supported Housing Funding Consultation - London

Event date

Housing and care providers and commissioners have welcomed the news that Local Housing Allowance rates will not be applied to supported housing, following months of campaigning against previous plans. For older people’s housing, a new, regulated ‘sheltered rent’ is proposed. The latest consultation is currently under way, with a deadline for responses on 23rd January 2017.

Focusing on the implications for older people’s housing, and also (though not currently the focus of consultation) long term supported housing, we will explore key questions for commissioners and providers including:

  • How the level of the new regulated ‘sheltered rent’ should be set;
  • How regulated rent increases should be calculated in future years;
  • How the sector should prepare for any changes, proposed for implementation in April 2020;
  • Opportunities to strengthen housing and care options for older and disabled people, enabled by the new supported housing needs assessment and strategic plan required in each toptier local authority area.

We would be delighted if you could join us at this free event to ensure that the views of the membership are accurately reflected in our consultation responses, and to provide you with an opportunity to explore the implications of the proposed reforms for your organisation.

The event will be held at the offices of Morgan Hunt, 125 London Wall, London EC2Y 5AS from 2pm to 4.30. Light refreshments will be provided.