HEALTHY CITY DESIGN 2019 Designing for utopia or dystopia? People and planetary health at a crossroads

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Against a background of global climate change, healthier cities and communities are shaped by taking tough decisions on issues such as air quality, resilience planning, spatial strategies, working practices, active travel, sustainable homes and green spaces. How can we design a thriving, health-inducing future for all citizens – and avoid a dystopian alternative where our cities descend into crisis and chaos?

Each day will open and close with keynote plenary sessions before splitting up into four streams (eight in total). Day one will focus on: urban design and placemaking; homes and neighbourhoods; work and workplace; and smart cities. Day two will cover: sustainable development; city planning and the public realm; place-based health; and mobility, travel and transport. The event will also host a poster gallery of innovative research and projects, a knowledge-focused exhibition space, and an evening gala dinner.