HAPPI Hour - HAPPI 15 years on

Event date

Presentation notes and slides

To coincide with HAPPI Awareness week (#HAPPIweek), this session took a look back at the development of the 10 HAPPI design principles, championed by the Housing LIN, and considered how successful they have been in creating more accessible, age-friendly housing.

In association with PRP, this HAPPI Hour session also considered whether the HAPPI principles have yet shifted older people’s mindset of what well-designed, good quality and attractive housing should be for an ageing population.

We showcased this through examples of award-winning HAPPI developments from our guest presenters, including an operator/developer perspective.


The views shared in this webinar do not necessarily reflect the views of the Housing LIN.

You can download the chat report here (opens new window).


  • Informative, good summary and interesting to hear different views.
  • Interesting focus on developments since HAPPI 1 and reflections on current 'state-of-play'.
  • Positive and inspirational.
  • A lovely way to end the year.



Registered with the Housing LIN’s HAPPI Hours? As a result of the pandemic, we created this exciting brand so that we can offer our sector showcase events in England, Scotland and Wales to enhance your learning and connect with other Housing LIN members virtually. Bookings for our free, online ‘learning lab’ events are made on a first come, first serve basis. Create your account or log in to avoid any disappointment.

At our popular events, you will:

  • Watch and discover new extra care housing developments to find out about the design, development and operational management arrangements so that you can explore solutions that can transform your ‘offer’;
  • Listen to latest practice, research, new funding initiatives, innovative products or projects so that you have the insight and intelligence required to improve your service delivery; and
  • Learn about the current sector issues so that you are up-to-date and better positioned to respond to latest policy and innovative operational developments.

Join our HAPPI Hours to network with us and to test out your ideas or share your experiences with industry experts and amongst fellow Housing LIN members in a relaxed atmosphere. And follow #HAPPIHour  (opens new window)on twitter.