Housing with Care Scheme locator, facts & stats

Developed by the Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC), this comprehensive database covers known developments in Wales that offer housing with care services, including extra care housing.

It is an essential tool for both commissioners wanting to pinpoint the supply of accommodation based care in their areas and those providers looking at potential market opportunities.

Individual developments are described using the providers' own terms wherever possible - including assisted living, very sheltered housing, close care and care village. If your are aware of a scheme not listed in this directory, please email or would like to feature a new development as a Housing LIN case study, email: Cymru@housinglin.org.uk

And finally, the Welsh Government's annual report on the number of dwellings owned by local authorities and registered social landlords shows that at 31 March 2017 there were now 2,157 units of extra care apartments and 25,063 units of sheltered housing by local authority area in Wales. Up 4.5% (99 new units) and down 1% (a reduction of 260 units) respectively from 31 March 2016. View the details by authority and recent trends in our 2017 breakdown and previous year's records below.