Scottish Housing Day 2022: A Case for new sustainable housing standard

Scottish Housing Day 2022 A Case for new sustainable housing standard cover

The report, published by the Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland, sets out the case for new, more ambitious cross-tenure housing standards but also notes the need for government to have a key role in funding these new higher standards.

Informed by surveys and workshops attended by housing professionals and tenants, over 100 respondents fed into the determinations of the report and set out their vision for a new sustainable housing standard for Scotland.

The paper also notes how housing affordability is central to any concept of sustainability and reflects the requirement for investment in both new build and existing stock as we seek to meet net zero ambitions. There is a clear call for adequate financial support and advice so that people understand the most appropriate solutions for their home, regardless of housing type or tenure.

Sally Thomas, Chief Executive of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), said:

“The findings of the report align with SFHA’s ambition that everyone in Scotland should have a good quality, safe, warm, energy efficient and affordable home for life.

Our members are already at the forefront of raising housing standards – whether on affordability, energy efficiency, space or design – and they will be vital to continuing this work. However, in order to keep delivering the affordable homes that Scotland needs, maintain existing stock, and ensure that meeting net zero targets does not increase costs for tenants, housing associations must remain financially viable social businesses. SFHA will continue to work with the Scottish Government, our members, and other partners to find solutions to these challenges.”