RTPI practice advice - Housing for Older People: Planning for the Future

Cover: Housing for Older People: Planning for the Future

This new practice advice note published by the RTPI highlights the important role planners are playing in meeting the needs of England’s ageing population. It demonstrates how the planning system can enable the development of accessible, well-maintained, and affordable homes in locations that provide access to essential local services and opportunities for social connections. 

Endorsed by CIH, ARCO and the Older People’s Housing Champions Group, the advice note is split into a number of key sections that offer practical insight into:

  • designing for an ageing population, including reference to the HAPPI design principles championed by the Housing LIN
  • principles for the delivery of older people’s housing, including reference to Greater Manchester Combined Authorities’ Framework for age-friendly housing
  • key planning issues, including examples from several authorities with commercial and social housing developer partners, and
  • signposting to a range of useful tools and approaches to support the delivery and shape local housing for older people; from extra care housing and independent living to age-friendly and integrated care