Lovell Later Living develops appropriate housing and care based solutions for people to live well in later life. We work in partnership to shape places that support communities to age well and as a wholly owned subsidiary of Lovell Partnerships Ltd we can create multigenerational environments fit for today's challenges and tomorrow's. Our mission is promoting inclusive environment, supporting healthy lifestyle, well-being for all and developing a lasting relationship that delivers independent, flexible living solutions for life.

We specialist in accelerating the delivery of extra care housing and care ready homes for sale and developing bespoke solutions to assist in addressing the housing, health and social care crisis. We bring expertise in designing through our customers eyes, long term strategic partnerships with Local Authorities, Registered Providers and the NHS, which is underpinned by our broad range of capabilities and experience.

Our Later Living business is focused on being the development partner to organisations that deliver and operate housing for older and vulnerable people across affordable housing, public and private care homes, as well as being a developer of Later Living homes for sale, designed to be care ready and occupied by people in later life.