00:25:48 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Find out more about this session's sponsor, The ExtraCare Charitable Trust: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLIN_Summit_2024/sponsors/extracare-charitable-trust-trust/ 00:30:03 UKCN Directors: What were the alternatives you considered to a retirement village? 00:34:23 Allison.Alderton: what an inspirational story. Thankyou Jim for sharing 00:35:36 Harry Dodd: thanks for sharing your story, jim. how does the ownership work - do you have a long leasehold on the flat? 00:36:27 laura.davies: Thank you for sharing Jim. 00:36:41 Jerome Billeter | Housing LIN: Just a kind reminder to post your questions IN the Q&A box. Thank you! 00:36:47 charlotte.millions: Brilliant to hear your story Jim, we're so glad you enjoy life with us at ExtraCare 00:37:22 Glynis Gatenby: It's inspiring to hear first hand what a positive experience the move has been. 00:37:40 Helen: I know many ECCT villages do have inter-village tournaments, this is usually facilitated by the activities co-ordinators. 00:39:01 UKCN Directors: Heartwarming story - the facilities sound incredible - the last point is interesting as it does link to the idea of co-ops and cohousing in which owners and residents are the same thing and interconnected - we’ve been looking at other collaborative models with Housing 21’s new strategy - be interesting to know how retirement villages think of culture…. 00:39:32 Glynis Gatenby: Can I ask what the monthly service charge costs are please? 00:40:41 Ann Potter: What is the proportion of social rented properties? 00:40:59 Helen: Service charges will depend on the village location. When I ran one (up to a couple of years ago) the service charges were around £100 per week, but this included utilities so probably has gone up a lot due to the price rises. 00:41:28 Glynis Gatenby: Thanks Helen. 00:41:54 Helen: Proportion of social rent again does vary from village to village. Mine was 50% which I think was typical but not necessarily always like that. 00:42:30 Ann Potter: Thanks Helen - do the people with social rent pay the same service charges? 00:43:15 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Find out about Solihull Village, another one of The ExtraCare Charitable Trust's schemes featured in this Housing LIN Inspirational Achievement: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/Inspirational-Achievements/extra-care-solihull-village/ 00:45:12 Helen: I think service charges only varied with the size of the unit - there were a mixture of one & two beds, plus some were bigger/smaller in other ways. I don't think the service charges differed between tenants/leaseholders, though of course tenants had fixed service charges and leaseholders were variable so if something didn't cost as much as had been budgeted they would get a refund at the end of the year. 00:45:40 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: The Housing 21 cohousing strategy was set out in this paper: https://www.housing21.org.uk/media/13691/cohousing_strategy.pdf 00:46:19 charlotte.millions: You can hear more from Kerry on our innovation apartment here: https://www.extracare.org.uk/news/how-ageing-in-place-technology-is-revolutionising-retirement-living/ 00:46:34 UKCN Directors: Thanks Sally - Worth saying we’re looking to replicate the dutch models on cohousing in the UK if anyone wants to work with us on this…. https://cohousing.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ReviewofDutchPolicy-Final.pdf 00:50:07 Kelly Francis: That was really informative, thank you. 00:51:30 louise.bradish: Thanks Michael and Jim, really nice to hear about ECCT. Im in Public Health now and there are so many relevant links with mental health and wellbeing and ExtraCare Housing 👍🏻 00:52:16 Maggie Gilbert: Thank you so much for your presentations Jim and Michael - both were exceptional 00:56:35 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Hi Louise, yes we agree that there are considerable links! Do check out our dedicated pages on mental health, housing and older people at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingMentalHealth/ 01:10:50 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Chris Witty's CMO annual report referred to by the Minister can be accessed at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/chief-medical-officers-annual-report-2023-health-in-an-ageing-society 01:14:18 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: More about the Taskforce can be found at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/News/Government-announces-group-of-experts-for-Older-Peoples-Housing-Task-Force/ 01:15:52 Suzanne noble: DFG has remained at 30k maximum since 2008, costs to adapt peoples homes has increased building materials and costs but funding to local authorities to be able to deliver this is being cut from april 2024. this needs to be addressed. Demand is increasing with the ageing population. DFG covers all ages. 01:23:17 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Thanks for highlighting this Suzanne. This is an area under the spotlight of a current DLUHC inquiry on housing for disabled people. More at: https://committees.parliament.uk/work/7835/disabled-people-in-the-housing-sector/ 01:23:27 Abdul A Ravat: Greta scheme in Castleton and a great local village cricket team in front. 01:33:41 louise.bradish: 👍🏻thanks all hav to leave now for another meeting, but really good content this morning L 01:34:07 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: On rural housing for older people, the Housing LIN wrote this APPG report a few years back. Available at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Rural-Housing-for-an-Ageing-Population-Preserving-Independence-HAPPI-4/ 01:34:48 Ann Potter: Really valid point about career development in the Extra Care sector 01:35:06 awatson2: Thanks everyone, great session. Sorry have to leave for next meeting. Thank you 01:35:56 Harry Dodd: fascinating talks - thanks for sharing. looking forward to the rest of the festival! 01:38:11 Glynis Gatenby: Thanks everyone; really interesting session. 01:41:30 kbashi: Spot on Vic 01:42:58 charlotte.millions: ExtraCare's Buyback option has been a massive positive to my own family. It meant a lot not having to worry about selling the property on the open market. 01:44:55 Your Health & Care Glenda Devlin: Totally agree that we need a commissioner in Government 01:47:09 Abdul A Ravat: Love the cricket reference jeremy, shame we lost in India 01:48:22 michelle.brown: Thank you very much everyone. Very useful and informative. 01:49:03 charlotte.millions: Thank you everyone! Really inspiring session. 01:49:06 laura.davies: Brilliant session thank you everyone! 01:49:10 Allison.Alderton: thought provoking and very interesting session. Thankyou 01:49:25 Fiona Jones: Amazing session. I didn't know what was already out there. Inspiring more creatively in the future. Thank you 01:49:29 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Thank you for joining today’s Housing LIN Summit session! The recording, slides and chat report will be available on this event's webpage next week. In the meantime, we’re looking forward to this afternoon’s session on Elevating Marketing Approaches for Housing for Older People! We hope you can join us: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLIN_Summit_2024/programme/understanding-your-audience-elevating-marketing-approaches-for-housing-for-older-people/ 01:49:38 Your Health & Care Glenda Devlin: thank you everyone 01:49:41 Suzanne noble: thank you everyone very informative and inspiring lots to consider. 01:49:42 Sarah: Thank you for such an interesting session. 01:49:55 samanthacham: Fantastic session thank you! Such a thought provoking session 01:50:02 charlotte.kemp: thank you! 01:50:20 Juliet Duke: Very thought provoking, thanks all 01:50:26 Paul.Love: Great session. Thanks to all the presenters and for the audience raising thought provoking questions. 01:50:41 gmillington: Thanks all 01:50:41 Josie Dorling - PBWC: Very inspiring - thanks to all the speakers 01:50:44 Dianne Theakstone: Fantastic session, thank you! 01:50:59 Kelly Francis: Thank you so much all. 01:51:04 nicole.jackson: Brilliant session. Thank you 01:51:30 insur: Thank you very much