00:22:23 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Good morning all, thank you for joining! 00:24:22 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Find out more about this session’s sponsor, Housing 21: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLIN_Summit_2024/sponsors/housing-21/ 00:25:25 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Wendy Mitchell - A lasting memory: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/News/Wendy-Mitchell-A-lasting-memory/ 00:45:52 louise.bradish: Great to hear from Hsg 21 colleagues, very informative thankyou L 00:46:54 louise.bradish: long time no see Tahir i'll message you on linked in L 00:48:41 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: ‘Amar bari, amar jibon’: 'My home, my life' - Developing living environments for Bangladeshi elders: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingOlderPeople/DiversityMatters/amar-bari-amar-jibon/ 00:54:20 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Check out Bashir’s Housing LIN guest blog: A Collaborative, Coproduced research project at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Amar-Bari-Amar-Jibon-A-Collaborative-Coproduced-research-project/ 01:17:20 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: The Housing for people with dementia - are we ready inquiry report can be found here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/_assets/Resources/Housing/Support_materials/Reports/HCOP_APPG_Dementia_Housing_and_Care_Inquiry-LowRes.pdf 01:17:42 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: The DemECH project: Supporting people living with dementia in extra care housing: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/The-DemECH-project-Supporting-people-living-with-dementia-in-extra-care-housing/ 01:19:20 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: And the ASSET and ECHO projects that Teresa highlighted can be accessed at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingExtraCare/Evaluation/asset/ and https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/NIHR-SSCR-Summary-Briefing-Provision-of-social-care-in-extra-care-housing-the-ECHO-study/. And hello Robin Darton who was involved closely on these! 01:21:17 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Dementia in Extra Care Housing research findings launched: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Dementia-in-Extra-Care-Housing-research-findings-launched/ 01:31:24 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Thank you for your questions so far. Please do leave them in the Q&A box for our discussion later on. Many thanks! 01:31:47 Allison Alderton: thankyou for a really informative session, Apologies but I have to leave slightly early. 01:32:56 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: The Housing LIN hosts a dedicated website on housing and dementia. You can also keep up-to-date on the Dementia and Housing Working Group which seeks to take forward the findings and recommendations from the APPG report Teresa referenced. More at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingandDementia/ 01:36:36 louise.bradish: Thank you for all the sessons today really informative L 01:41:21 leena@banglaha.org.uk Leena Khan: Good to hear about the wonderful and meaningful projects. 01:41:32 Jerome Billeter | Housing LIN: Link to DemECH resources webpage: https://adsdementiablog.wordpress.com/demech/ 01:49:31 Liz Wilks: Thank you for today's session. Interesting and informative. I missed the beginning due to technical difficulties and look forward to the recording being available. 01:49:54 Suzanne Lindley: Thank you for sharing the examples of the research and work being undertaken for me as a commissioner to do the right thing in terms of commissioner services and support for all people in our community. 01:51:14 louise.bradish: Thank you for today everyone L 01:51:19 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Thank you for joining today’s session! We look forward to sharing the recording, slides and chat report with you next week. In the meantime, take a look at what else is taking place this week: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLIN_Summit_2024/ 01:51:57 Gita Prasad: Thanks you very much for the invaluable learning from today's session. 01:52:03 carolineholland: Thanks everyone - lots to take away!