00:34:44 Sally Taylor-RIdgway | Housing LIN: Check out Liz’s recent Housing LIN blog, Creating healthy partnerships between public health and housing to tackle health inequalities: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Creating-healthy-partnerships-between-public-health-and-housing-to-tackle-health-inequalities/ 00:38:28 Sally Taylor-RIdgway | Housing LIN: If you found this presentation of interest, you may also be interested in this guide that the Housing LIN coproduced on age-friendly Central Bedfordshire at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/How-to-Develop-a-Community-Led-Approach-to-Age-Friendly-Housing-Central-Bedfordshire/ 00:39:09 Sally Taylor-RIdgway | Housing LIN: For more on tackling health inequalities, housing and the built environment, check out our dedicated public health and housing webpages on our 'Health Intel' at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HealthandHousing/PublicHealth/ 00:39:54 Sandra Newport: What is community commissioning? 00:57:07 Sally Taylor-RIdgway | Housing LIN: You may be interested to know that today the Levelling Up, Homes and Communities has launched an Inquiry on disabled housing and the housing sector, including an examination of the private rented sector. More at: https://committees.parliament.uk/work/7835/disabled-people-in-the-housing-sector/ 01:07:44 Sally Taylor-RIdgway | Housing LIN: Thank you for your questions so far. Please do pop them in the Q&A box for discussion later on! 01:10:04 Jan Taranczuk: Does any of the advice include fire safety, is their smoke alarm(s) linked to your contact centre. 01:16:44 Sally Taylor-RIdgway | Housing LIN: All project findings and outputs will be shared here: https://www.sasciproject.uk/ 01:19:37 Sally Taylor-RIdgway | Housing LIN: Adult Social Care Innovation Survey 2023: https://lse.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dmcY87gvqJs2mR8 01:22:39 Sally Taylor-RIdgway | Housing LIN: How can the adult social care sector develop, scale and spread innovations? A Literature Review - https://www.lse.ac.uk/cpec/assets/documents/cpec-working-paper-10.pdf 01:26:13 Hayley: Thanks to all the speakers - valuable insights shared. 01:26:47 SKeegan: Very informative conversations - thank you everyone. 01:31:24 Joe McLoughlin: Here is the guidance -we convened a group of 3 commissioners, technology enabled care service providers and technology suppliers https://www.tsa-voice.org.uk/tec-guidance/proactive-and-preventative-services---definitions-guidance/ 01:39:08 Rebecca Potter: Sounds like we need 'Total Place' accounting 01:42:44 Joe McLoughlin: This has been a great discussion lets continue the conversation we are also engaged in 3 funded research with Dunhill Medical and Sheffield University's Research dept and we are creating a Technology Enabled Living Lab TELLAB) but also evaluating emerging tech and services including the one I have described today - joe.mcloughlin@astraline.co.uk 01:43:09 Sue Whetton: great HAPPI Hour .. thanks all 01:43:17 Suzie van der Westhuizen: Thank you! 01:43:20 Sandra Newport: Thank you Have a well earned break! 01:43:33 Kardelen U.: Thank you all very much!