00:36:51 David Abbott (he/him): I am going to tweet a bit using hashtag #HAPPIHour 00:48:05 Jerome Billeter - Housing LIN: Here is the link to the main outputs from the research Deborah referred to https://www.york.ac.uk/chp/housing-health-wellbeing/learning-disabilities/ 00:51:50 Patrick Crockford: "Most people liked renting" Is this supported housing only provided by local authorities? 00:52:41 Housing LIN: Read this blog by the ‘renting your own place’ research team, titled: Supporting people with learning disabilities to rent their own home: initial findings from research - https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Supporting-people-with-learning-disabilities-to-rent-their-own-home-initial-findings-from-research/ 00:53:19 Rosie Barnes - Satsuma Neighbour: “most people liked renting”… I’m wondering, as opposed to what? Still living at home? 00:55:18 Gary Bourlet: I lived in my home from 2012, the amount I paid in rent I could have had Mortgage. 00:57:53 David Abbott (he/him): Rosie - people came to renting from different routes - sometimes in group homes they didn’t want to live in with people they didn’t want to live with; some from parents; some from residential settings; some from ATUs/in-patient units 00:58:14 Gary Bourlet: My Private Rent is £450 a month, there is no housing benefit in Kent, it's all part of universal credit which I don't have because I work Part time. 00:58:23 David Abbott (he/him): The thing about renting was in part about having your own front door and everything that signified. 01:00:19 Gary Bourlet: I have epilepsy and 64 years young and I live up 5 flights of Stairs, 48 altogether. 01:01:25 Mary McDonald: Does the research only refer to social and local authority landlords? Not sure private landlords (which is all there is in our part of London) would look for easy read or make "reasonable adjustments"...…... 01:02:10 SandyB: did you ask people with Autism for their views too? 01:03:03 Jacquel.Runnalls: For private renting there is quite a good guide for landlords from the he National Residential Landlords Association on Making Adaptations to your property https://www.nrla.org.uk/resources/looking-after-your-property/adaptations 01:03:43 Gary Bourlet: There is a lack of social housing in the South East, mainly private down here 01:05:33 Tash Nathan: I private rent of my mum, I have autism/ other health conditions I am struggling to tell her my rent is to much 01:06:54 Eppie Leishman: Hi Tash the cost of rent is really important point. We did this research before the cost of living crisis last year. If we did it again now we think people would talk a lot more about the cost 01:07:23 DWThomas: In our local authority in West Wales, our in house housing team are actively purchasing and building supported accommodation. This is a first for us here in Carmarthenshire. Low rents compared to other social landlords. 01:08:53 Julian Brewer: In Wales the terms of the Tenancy agreements are set by law, and must include specific words. We have an easy read explanation, but not an easy read contract. 01:12:44 Rebecca Potter: Same in B&NES re Easy read tenancies - we have developed some new social rented flats locally and we are putting together an easy read pack, including a document called 'What's the deal' 01:17:13 Housing LIN: Find out more about Good Lives: Building Change Together - https://www.learningdisabilityengland.org.uk/what-members-are-saying-and-doing/good-lives-building-change-together/ 01:24:19 Victoria Lloyd: We are a group of parents of young adults and starting to think about accommodation longer term. I am interested in how we go about commissioning bespoke, personalised supported living. Where do we start having these conversations and with whom? 01:25:25 Mary McDonald: Social care crisis? Great shortage of support workers? 01:25:47 Rebecca Potter: Do you have a Transition social work team locally Victoria? I think you would need to involve both social workers and local authority commissioners 01:26:43 Melissa McAuliffe: Do you have some advice about what to add to Specifications for Supported Housing? Will you offer any training for Experts by Experience to help with quality checks? 01:26:53 David Abbott (he/him): Replying to "We are a group of pa..." - Would be interested to hear if people on here have suggestions for Victoria 01:26:56 Sam Clark: Do check out JMS Trust information https://www.supportedlivingfunding.co.uk/ 01:28:55 Mary McDonald: Examples of parent led housing projects would be great and very useful 01:30:48 Sam Clark: JMS works with families developing their own supported living & are gathering examples so may help https://www.supportedlivingfunding.co.uk/ 01:31:35 Mary McDonald: Replying to "Examples of parent l..." Thanks- will explore this link :) 01:34:13 Kirsty: I just wanted to share the link to a local Self Advocacy Group who have some useful information, videos and guides https://www.speakup.org.uk/ 01:35:52 Julian Brewer: Replying to "We are a group of ..." - The role of advocacy, local support organisations, etc is key. If you were in Pembrokeshire I'd love to help!! 01:37:30 Julian Brewer: Replying to "We are a group of ..." - Do link with local Adult Social Care / Commissioning people in your local authority. 01:37:44 Sam Clark: If you want to find your local self advocacy group if you dont know them this may help https://selfadvocacygroups.co.uk/ 01:42:11 GLH: Here is a link to the Golden Lane Housing website: https://www.glh.org.uk/ 01:42:50 GLH: Our videos are available on our website, but they are also on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@goldenlanehousing2274/videos 01:46:35 Gary Bourlet: There seems to be several Universities working on housing, is there a chance we could all get together? 01:48:07 Eppie Leishman: We're working on that Gary. We have some money for someone to look at all the findings from all the projects and see if there are similarities and differences 01:48:26 Eppie Leishman: We're also hoping to have a meeting in person to all get together and share what we have found 01:49:06 Rosie Barnes - Satsuma Neighbour: You ask some great questions Becca. Thank you. 01:49:42 Housing LIN: Join us next week for HAPPI Hour - Building better and beautiful: Place-shaping to regenerate homes and communities: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Building-better-and-beautiful-Place-shaping-to-regenerate-homes-and-communities/ 01:49:52 Jacquel.Runnalls: Fantastic session, thanks so much everyone 01:49:54 Claire Moore: Thank you very much all 01:49:54 Laura Warrener: Thank you! 01:49:55 Liam Fouts - Bristol City Council: Thank you everyone for all your contributions, really insightful and fantastic research. Looking forward to reading more about it. 01:49:56 Rachel Carter (LGA Partners in Care and Health): Really helpful thank-you 01:50:00 Rebecca Potter: thanks! 01:50:02 Melissa McAuliffe: Thank you