00:22:04 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Hello and welcome to this afternoon's HAPPI Hour! 00:42:42 Tom Brown: is your video available to share? 00:43:50 duncan.may: As previous , great to have video to show to colleagues 00:44:29 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Hi Tom, thank you for your question - yes, the video link will be available after the webinar and shared on the event's webpage alongside the recording and copy of the slides: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Building-better-and-beautiful-Place-shaping-to-regenerate-homes-and-communities/ - you will be notified when available. 00:45:36 suzanna.wood: Great video. How are you funding the schemes Tobin? 00:50:59 Glynis Gatenby: What are the service charge levels and the care costs like for the central Bedfordshire independent living homes? Great video :) 00:55:17 Liz: Just wondering about policies pertaining to older people and their pets. Research identifies a plethora of health and social benefits linked to companion animals. For example their significant contribution to healthy ageing. This includes a 30% reduction in heart attack and stroke, and better survival post CVA attack. These cardioprotective effects are now thought due to enhanced levels of the neurotransmitter oxytocin. Pets also support mental health and mitigate against loneliness and depression. Policies should be pet inclusive to allow older people to access these benefits. Dr Elizabeth Ormerod, Chair of SCAS www.scas.org.uk 01:27:00 Glynis Gatenby: I need to shoot off in a minute; very interesting - thanks everyone. 01:28:34 Tobin Stephenson: Video for Steppingley Rd scheme available here - https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/info/144/steppingley_road_new_specialist_accommodation_for_older_people_in_flitwick 01:29:22 Tobin Stephenson: ...and for the research and Market Position Statement for Older People's Housing, here - https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/info/74/housing/370/housing_for_older_people/5 01:35:28 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Join us next week for HAPPI Hour - Shared Ownership for our Ageing Population (SO HAPPI): https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Shared-Ownership-for-our-Ageing-Population-SO-HAPPI/