00:33:59 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: You can find out more about Cormac's book, ‘The Connected Community- Discovering the Health, Wealth, and Power of Neighborhoods’, here: https://theconnected.community/ 01:03:42 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: All the presenters set out a variety of citizen and community-led/cohousing solutions, many of these and others are featured in 'CollaborAGE', the Housing LIN Directory of Collaborative Practice at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/collaborage/ 01:13:36 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: You may also be interested in Jim's Housing LIN Viewpoint, 'What collaborative housing offers in a pandemic: Evidence from 18 communities in England and Wales': https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/What-collaborative-housing-offers-in-a-pandemic-Evidence-from-18-communities-in-England-and-Wales/