00:22:03 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: For the ‘What creates healthy cities?’ report, please visit: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/What-creates-healthy-cities/ 00:34:54 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: On the planning front, we would like to draw attention to our Planning Homes and Communities for Older People webpages support by WWA Architects, including useful case studies and reports related to Health and Wellbeing: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/Planning/HealthWellbeing/ 00:44:59 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: The BRE report that Juliet referred to can be found on the Housing LIN website at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/The-Cost-of-Poor-Housing-in-England/ 00:50:49 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: On social prescribing, we held a HAPPI Hour on this which can be viewed again. It includes a presentation by Dr Sophie Yarker, Manchester Uni, and her recent book on ageing and place. More at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Social-Prescribing-its-a-better-prescription/ 00:53:41 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: You can find out more about Belfast Healthy Cities here - https://www.belfasthealthycities.com/ 01:13:11 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Some of projects that Heather referred to have also been featured by the Housing LIN at our 2020 Virtual conference including the work of Invisible Creations and their work with E-on and the London Rebuilding Society. More at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLINSummit2020/agenda/adapting-our-homes-for-the-21st-century/ and https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLINSummit2020/agenda/stylish-refurbishment-adaptations/ 01:16:25 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: If you'd like to find out more about the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge and projects funded, sign up to their annual conference on 15 November at: https://www.healthyageinguk.co.uk/2022/ 01:36:09 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: As referred to, the Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation (HAPPI) reports can be found here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/Design-building/HAPPI/ 01:39:51 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Thank you all for attending today’s HAPPI Hour webinar! The recording, presentation slides and chat report will be available on the Housing LIN’s website from tomorrow. In the meantime, please do browse our forthcoming HAPPI Hour webinars found here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ForthcomingEvents/