00:22:36 heather richardson: hello everyone. I am heather richardson, CEO at St Christopher's Hospice. excited about todays event 00:23:41 Tristram Johnson: Agreed. I'm a trainer in Housing 21 and I find any discussion on preparation for and effectively dealing with the movement towards and managing afterwards with bereavement is of great interest to me 00:25:10 Penka.Argirova2: Hi , Is GSF is considered for Extra care? 00:33:35 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Thank you, Penka for your question. Please do leave it in the Q&A box for discussion later on! 00:34:35 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Housing LIN Case study: Better Lives, Better Endings: A collaboration between extra care housing and a hospice - https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Better-Lives-Better-Endings-A-collaboration-between-extra-care-housing-and-a-hospice/ 00:42:00 jade.richards: Apologies I am not sure how I go about muting my microphone 00:42:49 Tristram Johnson: I believe it is automatic for us Jade as the controls are not displayed 00:43:29 jade.richards: Okay I was just very cautious about my background noise, but thank you 00:44:19 jade.richards: Okay, thank you 00:55:57 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: For more information and useful resources on Bereavement and End of Life care, please visit the Housing LIN webpages: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/CareAndSupportatHome/EndOfLifeCare/ 01:01:50 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: And for the Housing LIN’s top tips on bereavement in specialist housing during Covid, please visit: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Coronavirus-COVID-19-Top-tips-in-Bereavement-Care-in-Specialist-Housing/ and end of life care at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/COVID-19-Tips-for-housing-sector-on-end-of-life-care/ 01:03:35 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: You can access 'Better Lives, Better Endings: A suite of resources for staff in extra care housing' here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Better-Lives-Better-Endings-A-suite-of-resources-for-staff-in-extra-care-housing/ 01:13:28 michelle.livingstone: Sorry I have to leave the session due to a family emergency. 01:15:03 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: On Compassionate Communities mentioned by Gina a moment ago, do have a look at the HAPPI Hour session from January last year on compassionate neighbourhoods at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Compassionate-Neighbourhoods-communities-that-care/ 01:17:45 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Please do leave your questions in the Q&A box for the roundtable discussion at the end of today's session! 01:22:45 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: For more about St Mary Stevens hospice, this Housing LIN case study takes a look from a design perspective https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Sensitive-hospice-design-A-holistic-end-of-life-caring-environment/ 01:25:55 sthurley: In regards to the new suite of resources, it was flagged that there are bite size learning tools. Is there an idealised programme how the resources should build and how many learning hours would it take in its entirety for a new starter and for refresher practice? 01:26:01 Maaike Vandeweghe, St Christopher's CARE: For more information about the Lantern Model and the fantastic programme we are launching in April, please follow this link: 01:26:07 Maaike Vandeweghe, St Christopher's CARE: https://www.stchristophers.org.uk/lanternmodelprogramme 01:27:53 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: If anyone missed it, for more on social prescribing and housing, do check out our recent HAPPI Hour session with the National Academy for Social Prescribing and hact. View at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Social-Prescribing-its-a-better-prescription/ 01:29:10 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: A blog by Caity Roleston as part of the CRUSE project with Michael at ECCT: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Talking-about-the-dark-stuff-opening-up-about-bereavement-in-extra-care-housing/ 01:29:56 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: The Bereavement Supporter Project, Evaluation report: https://www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/media/insights/documents/Full-report-Bereavement-Supporter-evaluation-Nov21.pdf?mtime=20211210095441&focal=none 01:30:15 Liz Bryan: sthurley - the key is to take the resources and mould them into what you need. Happy to have a conversation with you to answer your questions. Probably easier than trying to do that now. l.bryan@stchristophers.org.uk 01:32:53 Tristram Johnson: I absolutely agree with that, Specialists are amazing but I have noticed a lot of people want to talk about people they already know and have relationships of trust with, that were founded before the bereavement took place. If that works to help people move through the process it isn't always necessary or even helpful to push for a specific external professional experience 01:40:10 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Compassionate Communities for Extraordinary Circumstances: https://www.cruse.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/J0339-Cruse_Lockdown_Diaries.pdf?_ga=2.132508552.746241913.1646730499-1681942789.1646730499 01:46:11 Russell Mellor: Due to IT problems I was restricted in my access to your presentation The problems you have highlighted are germane to our Society and greatly appreciated in that ir raises the awareness of the later life difficulties and demands which are increasing due to our aging population. The philosophy you are outlining will prove to be invaluable in guiding the important subject of Care. 01:46:14 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Carer’s Stories: Supporting people living with dementia – A guide for carers written by carers: https://www.cruse.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Cruse_Carers_Stories_Booklet_AW_DIGITAL-FINAL.pdf?_ga=2.200846120.746241913.1646730499-1681942789.1646730499 01:48:28 Russell Mellor: I appreciated your invitation to attend and wish your efforts well for the future implementation. 01:48:35 Russell Mellor: Sincerely 01:48:40 Russell Mellor: Russell L Mellor 01:49:02 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: On the bereavement support diaries and the design of buildings (balconies as mentioned by Michael), check out this guest blog for the Housing LIN by Hannah Rumble https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Balconies-and-Community-Space-in-Extra-Care-Housing-Covid-19-and-creating-HAPPI-outdoor-space/ 01:49:18 Russell Mellor: Mayor 01:51:08 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Memories and Hope: A collection of poems about memories, loss and finding hope: https://www.cruse.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Cruse-Memories_and_Hope_Book-AW_DIGITAL-singles.pdf 01:53:54 Liz Bryan: Thanks Michael. Really interesting and useful. 01:54:52 Ajay: 150,000 people die every year? 02:03:11 Tristram Johnson: Ajay that is 150000 people die every day world wide 02:03:22 Tristram Johnson: everyday in every year :) 02:03:52 Ajay: okay, thanks, that makes sense 02:17:36 Karina Catley: I would encourage all schemes to involve their local ambulance service- there is so much joint learning that can be done in this area 02:17:37 Cathy.Curtis: v helpful, interesting thank you 02:18:42 Tristram Johnson: Some great points. these conversations are among some of the most important we will ever have with people 02:19:29 Bethan Dickson: Thank you all, very thought provoking 02:20:07 ... Cilla Karumazondo: Thank you very much. 02:20:08 Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Please do browse our forthcoming HAPPI Hours here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ForthcomingEvents/ 02:20:24 Kim Chilvers: thank you. A very interesting event. 02:20:49 Sarah Hastelow: thank you everyone - a really valuable and informative afternoon :) 02:20:54 Jenny Seed: many thanks some great info and further reading for me Will continue to follow LIN 😊 02:20:57 geoff Bunting: Appreciate all the content very helpful and encouraging. 02:21:17 HJ038939: Thank you very much, this will be really helpful for us here at Older Persons Independent Living schemes in Sheffield.